Parking Deck Dead
Thing don't always go as planned.
High atop a parking deck in downtown Akron we learned about lead acid car batteries and their limitations. The goal for the day was to capture some "Holiday Card" shots in downtown. Our quest typically consists of Santa hats and the tree farm or the park, but this year we were edgy A.F. Rooftop shots on a freaking blue velvet couch? What could be merrier than that? Santa loves roof tops, and parking deck rooftops too...
Elise stole the show in her fur stole and beautiful smile, Ryan always knows what he's doing when the cameras pointing his way and Michael entertained with the Browns play by play action. The Blue Velvet Couch made it's debut today and creates an interesting parking deck lounging experience. And did we have some time for lounging...
During the session we used the van for Browns game details and shelter from the chills, we’re basically on the roof of a building. Everything was going great, we wrapped up our shots, loaded up the gear and packed up the couch. Thats when we realized we had exceeded the battery's limits by leaving the interior lights and radio on during the shoot. Blarg.
So now what? Call Dad?! About an hour later he found his way to the top of the deck. It was a fun afternoon nevertheless and I still love the location!